The Day They Shut Down The Deerfoot | Airdrie Maternity Photographer | Lace & Locket Photography | Airdrie , AB | Banff, AB
You know the weathers pretty garbage when the city shuts down a portion of the highway in Calgary. Well....I woke up that morning (Feb 3) bright and squirrelly because I knew the weather would be less than perfect and I wanted to get out to the mountains and make sure I had a handle of the situation before my clients even left Airdrie. The roads weren't TOO bad that day as I headed to the mountains, being told it was whiteout conditions and you couldn't see the mountains. I had faith.
My first client that day got her makeup done at 7 am and made her way out to the mountains behind me, the weather getting crappier. I've never shot in whiteout conditions nor have I ever thought I might. This is the outcome when I don't control the weather and when a session is scheduled on a day where the weather is less (far less in this case) ideal. I made the magic happen anyways. Having a mountain maternity scheduled on a day when the mountains weren't even visible and having the clients tell me that it was one of the best days of their lives basically is the icing on my cake. This session turned out ABSOLUTELY STUNNING.