When should I book my session? | Lace & Locket Photo | Airdrie Maternity & Newborn Photographer
If you’re expecting a little bundle (or more!) of joy soon, you may be looking into getting photos done! That is so exciting, congratulations!
This guide should give you a good idea of when to book your photos, whether its with myself or another photographer!
MATERNITY SESSIONS are an incredible way to document this moment in your life. Back when my mother was pregnant with me it wasn’t cool to photograph yourself while you were pregnant and so I have no photos to show my kids of when my mom was pregnant with me and I sure wish I did! I personally recommend doing your maternity photos around 32-36 weeks so that you’ve got a nice, prominent bump going but you’re still comfortable enough to move around and pose. This is just a guideline though, if you’d feel more comfortable at 29 weeks or maybe you hummed and hawed about doing photos until your 38th week, that’s ok! We can always get you in so long as there is availability in my calendar! The earlier these sessions are booked the easier it is to discuss gown options, location and arrange for hair and makeup if that’s something you wanted to add on. Did you know we also offer floral crowns as a maternity session add-on? Check out some of these stunning mamas who got their hair and makeup done and a floral crown by Funky Petals .
NEWBORN SESSIONS are so much fun. Usually these are scheduled once you’ve had your anatomical ultrasound around 18-20 weeks. Sometimes folks book them earlier than that and it’s so much fun to cheer you on if you’re finding out what you’re having! Sometimes they’re booked after that and that’s ok too so long as I have availability in my schedule. Booking earlier is beneficial because if you have a specific vision in mind; colours, themes, any props that we can look for and order ahead of time to be ready to go when babe comes.
If booking doesn’t happen until later in your pregnancy that’s ok too, sometimes folks don’t know they want newborn photos until baby has been born. Some photographers only like to photograph babies within a certain timeframe, and that is ideal but I’ve had my fair share of older babies come in with no problems. I personally PREFER to photograph babies between 7 to 17 days but I’ve photographed babies older than that without any problems. Before the 7th day babe is still establishing a bond and getting used to the outside world, if Mama is breastfeeding a routine is still being worked out along with milk and I try to allow those things to happen before having everyone into the studio, it makes it less stressful for everyone. If your babe has been born and you’re thinking about wanting to get some newborn photos taken but you’re not sure if your babe is the right age, just send me a message and I’d be happy to chat about it with you. Regardless of how old baby is though, we should always be able to get photos you’ll love at any age & stage.
After the great Covid lockdown of April 2020 I had a bunch of babies due at the end of March, April and into May that I couldn’t photograph because of the lockdown, some of those sweet little things didn’t get into the studio until they were all almost 2 months old and while it was harder to get them to sleep at first, and we may not have been able to pose them in those sweet, curled up little poses we WERE able to get some gorgeous images that the parents loved. Here are a few of the images we captured safely, under restrictions and with older babes. One of them was 3 months old!