The Sweetest Milestone | Airdrie Milestone Photographer | Lace & Locket Photo
This girl nailed her milestone session! She was so happy and giddy and smiley, not afraid of me at all. I have found with Covid babes, they may not be accustomed to meeting new people and are quite shy when they come for their sessions. When that happens, I am sure to take my time and let babe warm up to me no matter how long it takes so they know they can be comfortable and are safe in my environment.

I love the way her session came out and how I styled it. Mama had her cake made at Cupcake Stories YYC AND IT WAS SOOO BEAUTIFUL!!

After her cake smash, we had a SPLASH!!! IT WAS SUCH A HIT!!!!
I used all natural (DIVINE SMELLING) bubble bath that I bought at Homegrown House & Pantry in Airdrie. It is locally made in Alberta by a company called Beauty From Bees. I have ultra sensitive skin and I know little ones’ skin can be sensitive too, it also bubbles so much better than Drugstore bubble bath.

Splash sessions can be added onto any First Birthday milestone session for an additional fee. They are so much fun and I highly recommend adding them!