Pretty in Traditional Pink | Calgary Maternity Photographer | Edworthy Park, Calgary

Honestly, this session was just incredible and left me speechless. Mama told me she and her partner would be bringing some traditional Nigerian outfits with them to their maternity session and that just made me even more excited to work with them. I didn’t know what that would look like but I figured there would be beautiful colours and patterns involved and it was something different and unique, so that spoke to me immediately.

Mama had requested a location that had some trees and water so we picked Edworthy Park because there’s access to the Bow River, and trees. We started in the Bow because it was a hot one and it felt good to stand in that water, despite it only being May.

Is she not the most gorgeous queen in this shot?! Can’t handle it!

We did change into some of the gowns from my client closet, Dad brought his own changes of outfits and he SHOWED. UP. in them.

The gowns in this Edworthy Calgary Maternity Session are in my Lace & Locket Photo client closet available for use in your maternity session.

Makeup provided by RTM Beauty and Makeup.

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